Sharing some thoughts about resolutions and intentions for 2019.

For as long as this blog has been alive, I’ve started out the year with a post about my resolutions or my word of the year. I’m just not into it this year. We are one week into 2019 and I’m off to a great start.

I have no diet goals. My fridge is cleaned out and we are trying to shop just a few days at at time. That feels good. Still not eating meat. That feels good. Trying new recipes and also making mac & cheese out of a box other nights. That feels good. I’ll just keep doing that.

I have no exercise goals. I cancelled my gym membership because we never went and it was a waste of money. I haven’t pulled out my yoga mat this year, but I will soon because it feels good. I do more loops around the office and lunchtime walks to Target because it feels good. I’m counting down the days until our upcoming vacations because I know there will be lots of new outdoor activities to try. That all feels like enough for me right now.

It feels kind of nice to ignore the idea of a yearly intention or resolution. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have to-do lists galore. I’m a happy little type A with a planner full of lists, but they are reset daily, weekly and monthly.

To me, the calendar flip this year signified a clean chalkboard. Instead of filling it up on day one with tons of big ticket items, I’m just focusing on one day at a time. I’m giving simple a try.

When I reflect back on the happiest and healthiest I’ve been, I think about our time in New York City. Things were more spontaneous. I cherished every second of the people time we had because we lived far away from so many of our best friends. I walked a lot. I tried lots of new things. I put myself in unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations. I felt lucky every single day.

I’m getting back to the simple. Enjoying the moments and the days instead of obsessing over the full year and having that feeling of letting myself down.

Moments I felt lucky this year so far:

  • Getting my nephew to laugh at magic tricks at dinner. We definitely pulled quarters from his ear and he was sure that his brain was filled with coins.
  • Getting a group photo with some friends and all their babies. It took at least 6 tries to get everyone looking and the result was perfect, but the “outtakes” are my favorites.
  • Long FaceTime chats with some of our long distance friends sharing drinks and talking about favorite TV shows, upcoming travels and funny life stories thanks to technology.
  • Splitting a cheesecake cupcake with my mom on New Year’s Day.
  • Getting a little teary eyed while clapping for the orchestra on Saturday when we saw them do the Star Wars score with the movie playing.
  • Date night at Al Vento with Justin on our first Friday of the new year. We shared a veggie pizza and drank wine and laughed about our favorite moments from the holiday season.

So no big goals or words. Just getting rid of more baggage and spending more time enjoying.

Also, more pizza and tacos. Cheers to 2019.