If you’re reading that title and wondering what a “nibling” is, you are not alone. I found that word when this article popped up on Refinery29 last year. It is the plural and gender neutral word for nieces and nephews. I need this word because I talk about our nieces and nephews often, especially when listing things I’m grateful for. Having one simple word makes it easy.

I’ve read quite a few different articles about the roles of aunts and uncles for kids. This Washington Post article talks about the importance of having additional adult relationships that are not your parents. When Aunts & Uncles are active in a child’s life, it is purely out of desire and not obligation. It gives the children additional cheerleaders and someone to trust.

We are lucky enough to have 6 niblings that are family and countless others that are the children of our best friends and extended family members.

This past weekend, we were asked to babysit two of our nieces. We found ourselves nervous that they would be bored at our house and we weren’t sure what to do with them. They are 10 and (almost) 8. We ended up having the best time.

We went to Target and picked out toys for the Children’s Hospital for a project that was pre-planned with them. We followed that up with pizza, this board game that every Harry Potter fan should play and The Greatest Showman (watched with Gushers and Capri Suns.

The next morning, we delivered the toys we had purchased and then followed it up with breakfast at one of our favorite diners. One of the girls showed us her multiplication skills and the other made us an epic drawing of giraffes, tigers and a panda bear.

We were able to hear about their dance classes, things they liked in school, debate over Harry Potter, reminisce about our Disney World trip and play an epic game of Hide & Seek. It was easy and so much fun. It was a perfect reminder that kids just want adult attention. They want to be included and acknowledged.

I think I’ve just always assumed that our roles were to spoil them with gifts, but what they’ve taught me the last few years is that the time is what matters. The engagement, the conversations, the jokes and the memories are the most important things to them and to me.

As I get to know my newest nephew and the little babies that our friends have, I’m different having already learned this lesson. I’ve gotten better about bringing food when I visit friends instead of outfits the babies will never get a chance to wear. I bring books that I can read to the kids right away and distract them while their parents enjoy a few sips of coffee that is actually hot. While the flashy gifts may get their attention right away, building the relationship is what sticks around the longest.

I am so grateful that I have these kids in my family. I do not have kids of my own, so getting the chance to go to Disney World, play hide & seek, eat Gushers and watch these kids figure out the world in their own way is something I cherish.

Shout out to all the aunts and uncles who are there for their niblings and to my aunts and uncles (and godparents) that were always cool adults in my life and still are close to me today. I am so grateful.