Every once in a while, I need to take a quick 10 minutes and list a few things that I’m grateful for.  It is awesome to have those little reminders.

1. As I stay a non-runner that likes to run sometimes, I need some inspiration.  Finding simple quotes that I can remember is the best to keep me moving.  This is one of my favorites.  I am very grateful for my new found love of moving my feet.

2.  I love this time of year in Minnesota.  The colors are ABSOLUTELY gorgeous.  My neighbors tree in her front yard is my favorite.  It is so tall so it always has the blue sky as it’s backdrop.  I also love the other things that come with fall.  I love boots, sweaters, hot coffee making a come back, crock pots, football, apple orchards, pumpkin farms and a calendar with open weekends.  I am grateful for all of the things that come with this season.  Happy Autumn.