a better me




This morning I cried in the car while getting on to the George Washington Bridge.  There was an ambulance pulled over near the toll booth and there was a man laying in the road.  It wasn’t a car accident, but […]


Enjoy Your Monday


Happy freaking Monday ladies and gentlemen.  Sometimes Monday mornings aren’t the worst thing in the world.  Before you roll your eyes at my positive attitude, just hear me out. I saw Lauren post about enjoying every day – not just the weekends […]




source I have never really been much of a risk taker.  I take controlled risks.  I truly believe that my anxiety stems from a loss of control, so I try and keep myself in positions where I have a little […]


Project Declutter


source Justin and I recently made a promise to each other to really work on less clutter in our house.  We have lived there for 4 years and it’s amazing the amount of stuff you can accumulate in that time. […]


Dancing with Myself


This morning has been just a whirlwind of emotions for me. I woke up and turned on the news while getting ready.  So much going on over night.  A 19 year old?  I can’t even get my brain to understand. […]

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