Happy Friday morning.  I’m writing from an ungodly hour in my hotel room in Kansas City.  I try to stay on East Coast time (I know it’s only an hour, but it’s just easier) when I travel, but that means I go to bed like a little old lady and I’m up way before the sun.  It’s freezing out and I wish I had a nice crackling fire.

Here is a pre-coffee random ramble about things:

– I logged onto Facebook this morning and everyone is talking about the colors of a dress.  It instantly stressed me out.  I have a strange obsession with colors.  Think about this, we are all taught about colors by someone pointing and telling us what color it is.  What if we all see something totally different?  You could see grass as my color purple and think it’s totally normal.  I can go on for hours about this, so I’m refusing to get sucked in to a color debate about a dress… at least until I have time to kill at the airport.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just look up #thedress

– I had fish tacos twice this week.  I’m continuing on my journey to have fish tacos in every city in the country to find the best ones.  Last night, they were from Manny’s in Kansas City and I have to say that I was impressed.  They were no San Fran tacos, but I would definitely go back there.

– On that note, there are a lot of meat eaters around here.  I finally did the smart thing and went to the grocery store and stocked up my hotel room with smoothies, fruits, veggies and snacks.  Best decision ever.

– I binged on Bravo while in my hotel room.  It made my evenings way more entertaining.  I also didn’t open my book once.  Oops.

– ICELAND IS BOOKED.  More to come on that, but we are now only 2 months away from this amazing trip and I dream about it every day.

– It’s been one year since I hung out with Jimmy Fallon, Shaq and Paul Rudd.  Read about it here.  I need to get that on the schedule again.

– Last but not least, our MS Climb is on Sunday, so if you want to donate click here (we are only $50 away from our team goal).  Otherwise, please pray for my glutes and my will power.  It is a lot of stairs and I’m terrified.  EEEEEEEK!  Also, if you have anyone in your life with MS, I will happily add them to my bib for the climb, just email me steph@insertclassyhere.com or comment below.

I think that’s all I’ve got for now.  I’m off to find some coffee and get ready for my flyday Friday.  I’m supposed to fly through Charlotte today and I’m a little worried that my flights are going to be all kinds of messed up today.  Wish me luck!