It’s true.  My daydreams consist of vacation dreams.  Every time I pick up Afar magazine, I come up with 2 or 3 new places that I would like to visit.  This list could be different in 6 months, but I’ll document today’s list here.
Outside the United States:

Honorable Mentions:  Ireland, Denmark, Indonesia, Montreal and Switzerland

Places in the United States:

Honorable Mentions:  Sedona, Los Angeles, Austin, Charlotte/Asheville and the Grand Canyon

If you would like to offer me any free flights, vacation homes, guest bedrooms or food in any of those places (or really anywhere), let me know.

Also, tell me what I’m missing.  What’s on your travel bucket list?  I’m going to spend my evening creeping on other people’s lists to find out.

Helene in Between Blogtober

Pictures from sourcesource, source, source, source, sourcesourcesource and source