It is April 11, which means I have been a vegetarian for 11 days.  My goal is 30 days, but I have a feeling that this may be a lot longer than that.  I have run into a few struggles.

On day 1, we helped Justin’s grandparents move and his parents ordered pizza for everyone to eat.  All three pizzas had meat on them, so I ate Doritos and drank a Bud Light Lime.  There have been a few other moments since then, but so far so good.  I made my first ham ever for Easter and couldn’t try it, but I heard it was pretty good.  I received chicken breasts that I ordered months ago for a fundraiser came in on day 6.  Justin also breaded his own chicken strips, which I was also sad I couldn’t try.

Another big struggle for me has been eating food other than cheese, bread and sugar (none of which have meat.)  I have tofu to try this coming week.  I’ve been doing OK with fruits, but I am lacking in vegetables.  I love vegetables, but it’s just hard to eat them all the time.  The second half of my 30 days is going to include more new recipes involving different kinds of vegetables.  I have the Jessica Seinfeld book where she purees different kinds of vegetables and uses them in regular cooking, which I might try as well.

I did yoga for my first seven days as well so I could start introducing my body to that feeling.  It is amazing how you feel when you let your body and breath listen to the instructions of the teacher.  My husband laughed and told me I was turning into my college roommate who does a lot of yoga and has been a pescatarian for quite a few years now.

Justin and I have been watching this documentary from National Geographic, Youtube, Ridley Scott & Tony Scott where they asked people to film their life for a day on July 24, 2010.  It is incredible all the different perspectives you see.  Relating to my 30 before 30 list, they show a cow getting killed and it was one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen on camera.  It made me never want to eat any sort of beef.  The documentary is only 90 minutes and they cover births, love, fears, death, children, families, violence and life.  I strongly recommend this because it makes you think about many many things and become very grateful for things you have and very sad that you will never experience some of these places in your life.  One man has been biking around the world for 9 years, has been to 190 countries, hit by a car 6 times and in surgery 5 times for those accidents.  They show people in a lot of pain.  It’s touch to watch at quite a few points, but I’m glad we gave it a shot.  There are amazing people out there who find peace and happiness in things that don’t cost a dime.  Life is about experiences.  Good luck.

In the meantime, I’m back to taking this all in and eating vegetables. The movie just got over and I feel like I’m still holding my breath.